Be The Change

Join Your Local Green Party
Contact us to find out more about your local party.
We’ll be very pleased to hear from you. More local members can make a huge difference to our capacity to improve the local area and local policy.

Social Evenings
If you’d like to try us out before deciding, feel free to join us at our monthly ‘Green Drinks’ events. These are very casual evenings where local people can come together and discuss local issues or other areas of society or the environment which concerns them. Or simply having a great chat about whatever you want.

We always welcome volunteers to help with our campaigning work and action days.
Could you help deliver our newsletters to your street, or go out with our campaign team and speak to local residents about their concerns.
We are particularly keen to find more volunteers with fundraising, press and research experience or administrative skills. Whatever your level of experience and however much or little time you can give, we would love to hear from you!

If you don’t have much spare time at the moment, but would still like to help, why not make a donation?
Make a donation today to help us stand more candidates for more elections, and to support the valuable work of our dedicated members across the country.

Join the National Green Party
Your local group will still hear that you’ve joined, and you’ll be invited to with local and national activities.
The Green Party of England and Wales was the first in Europe, originating with four friends in Coventry, 50 years ago.
By joining the Green Party today you can help level the odds to get more Green MPs elected in our Anniversary Year! 💚

We’ll field candidates in all elections, so please vote Green whenever you agree with our views.
“Democracy means participation.
To achieve change, participation, not observation, is needed.”
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