- Resurface the road in normal black tarmac. This will be easier to maintain than the broken up buff colour at the moment and be much better than the moment!
- Resurface 3 of the brick raised tables in green tarmac to match the lamp posts and bins where it’s easiest for pedestrians to cross . It’s proposed the other 2 raise tables currently in brick would be resurfaced black. Put a small build out on one of the raised tables to help pedestrians cross beween parked cars.
- Introduce a 20mph limit from the canal bridge. This is to bring it in line with all the other shopping areas e.g. Parade and Bath St.
- Put an extra raised table and pedestrian central ‘refuge’ opposite Procaffeinate to encourage pedestrians crossing at this point.
- Repaint all the bollards and remove some unnecessary ones.
- Put ‘Welcome to Clemens Street’ banners on lamp posts and on the central refuge near the canal bridge.
- Separate to this proposal I am pushing for improved signage from the station to Clemens St so visitors don’t miss our great shops!
Councillor, Leamington Brunswick