How do you run a Green Business?

Take a look at our recent Engage event where 5 local entrepreneurs joined us to discuss the challenges and benefits of running a green business.

With representatives from housing, renewable energy, food, plastic alternatives and photography it was a fascinating conversation.

Our Entrepreneurs

  • Derek Hettenbach from Better Business Connections is an independent Renewables Consultant, helping businesses to lower emissions and to create clean and sustainable energy
  • Avnash Jhita of Nexus Building Solutions focuses on renewable technologies for commercial and domestic properties
  • Charlie Budd from Tall Photography is a videographer and photographer, with a background in wildlife conservationist and environmental education.
  • Alex from Core Leamington: A plastic-free, organic, cruelty-free and fair-trade grocery shop in 50 Regent Street
  • Claire and Nicola from Reyousable They say, “Our mission is to bring together the best reusable products, to help you find the perfect match for your individual style & lifestyle”.
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