Warwick District Green Party are running a summer wildlife photography competition, supported by local Green councillors.
Send in your best wildlife photo and you could win a gift hamper or runner’s up prize donated by our local Leamington and Stratford zero-waste shops, Zero The photo can be taken on your phone or camera and must be of wildlife somewhere in Warwickshire. Photos will be judged with the help of local photographers Craig Adisson and Alex Bradbury. There will be prizes for both the best adult’s and the best children’s entries and the winners will be published in our next South Leamington wide newsletter. Send your entry (1 per person), including your name, category ‘adult’ or ‘child or young person (including age)’ and where the photo was taken, by 10 September 2022 to coordinator@warwickdistrict.greenparty.org.uk By entering you are agreeing we can process your details only for the purposes of the competition. We will process your data under the lawful basis of consent. For our privacy notice please see https://www.greenparty.org.uk/privacy.html Under 16s please ask a parent or carer to send your photo.Enjoy our parks, countryside and wildlife this summer and Happy Snapping!
Further rules of the competition
- No purchase is necessary to enter the competition.
- The closing time / date is 23:59 on 10 September 2022. No late entries will be accepted.
- We do not guarantee to acknowledge receipt of entries.
- The judges’ decision is final.
- There is no cash alternative to the prizes.
- The Adult winner agrees to be named and a photo taken with them receiving the prize from our sponsor(s) for use in our social media and the press.
- We would like to publish the winning entries in our newsletters in South Leamington and possibly other areas of Warwickshire and on our social media and website. However, the winners are free to decline this opportunity.
- If the winning photos are used all copyrights will remain with the photographer and the photographer will be credited.