- The HMO concentration is above 10% within 100metres and therefore breaches H6 and it is not appropriate for exceptions to be invoked.
- HS1 which requires developments to: ‘provide energy efficient housing to help reduce fuel poverty’ is breached. The developer says the scheme is will use gas and electric heating. Communal areas will be heated by Air Source Heat Pumps, but the individual rooms by electric heating panels. These are costly and inefficient and not an acceptable energy solution.
- The biodiversity net gain calculation is erroneous and contravenes NE3. A variation in the red line means that some areas are not accounted for . I draw your attention to the ecology and landscaping comments on this. A 27 year wait until the project is biodiverse neutral is not acceptable in a climate emergency and the developer should bring forward proposals to significantly reduce this time. The applicant would not consider it acceptable to wait 27 years to make a financial profit!
- The loss of so many (25) mature trees along the canal is not acceptable, especially when this is recognised as a key green corridor and in a climate emergency.
- The Council has a duty to provide a supply of appropriate employment land and I am concerned that the loss of workshop space is not being replaced elsewhere, especially given that in the local plan this site is marked for employment land. I am also concerned that although the applicant claims all existing businesses have been found other accommodation there are still a number on the statement saying ‘to be confirmed’.
- Down Althorpe Streeet to link in with High Street
- Under the arches to Camberwell Terrace and Radford Road (including safety improvements)
- Making ladder bridge across the canal accessible to those with disabilities and cyclists, particularly reflecting the need to access green space (Eagle Rec) and Asda.
- Canal tow path improvements for access to Morrisons and the station.
We also think that the cafĂ© triangle space could work as a nice focal point for a development, although we’re concerned about the narrowness towards the Camberwell terrace