Letter in National Press

Cllr John Dearing (Kenilworth Park Hill)

“The public is far more supportive of local climate actions than the media gives it credit for”

Letter from Councillor John Dearing

Published Guardian 26th July 2022

“John Harris is right to support direct climate action, but there is a further option: to get elected as a local councillor and make climate-friendly policies. Central government has responsibility for national climate policies, but there is scope for local councils to take more progressive action.

Despite financial constraints, local authorities have the ability to raise energy standards of new council-owned buildings, provide safe cycling and walking, ensure effective waste recycling, increase numbers of electric vehicle charging points, manage open spaces for biodiversity and carbon sequestration, lead the way in natural flood management, and more. They can bid for government funds for retrofitting homes and decarbonising public buildings, promote local investment in renewable energy and, crucially, engage with the public and businesses about what the climate crisis demands.

The public is far more supportive of local climate actions than the media gives it credit for. Many will vote for candidates who present reasoned and sensible arguments for progressive policies, even if they vote for a different party at general elections. Disrupt if it suits you – but don’t dismiss getting elected.”


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