This map is not a map of where the Councils want to build houses, but a map of sites that landowners and developers say they would like to build houses.

About the Map
View the full interactive map with details of the potential sites and developers
Click on map to get ID number and landowner / developer.
Landowners / Developers
The landowner / developers for the sites in the Kingswood area of Lapworth shown in the original map are listed here:
ID number | Name | Location | Landowner / developer |
22 | Kingswood Cottages | Land at north east side of Old Warwick Road, Lapworth, B94 6LX | Centralis building solutions |
30 | Kingswood Farmhouse | Station Lane, Lapworth | HTP Limited |
53 | Land adjoining Mill House | Mill Lane, Kingswood | Framptons |
88 | The Tan House | Old Warwick Road, Lapworth, B94 6JZ | HTP Limited |
118 | Land adjoining Chadwick House | Rising Lane, Lapworth, B94 6JA | Shepherd Vine |
161 | Arden Lodge | Station Lane, Lapworth, B94 6LT | Kingswood properties |
205 | Land adjoining Rose Cottage | Brome Hall Lane, Lapworth, B94 5RD | Donna Savage Planning Ltd |
235 | Swallowfield | Land to the north of Rising Lane, Kingswood | Chave Planning |
513 | The Boot | Old Warwick Road, Lapworth B94 6JU | Tyler Parkes Partnership |
514 | Land at Station Lane, Kingswood | Tyler Parkes Partnership |
Comments? Concerns? Questions?
Please write to John, David and Alix at so that we can feed in your views to the Council and make sure you get a response to any questions you have. Thank you!
Why are the Warwick District and Stratford Councils producing a new local plan?
Warwick District Council thinks that the government will require them to build 18,000 additional new houses on top of the ones already planned before 2050.
In order to have some control over where they are built they are putting a new ‘local plan’ together by the end of 2025 to replace the existing one. In January 2022 Warwick District and Stratford Councils put out a ‘call for sites’ as part of their proposed new local plan.
This call for sites was asking developers about sites that they would be interested in building houses. It is not a map of where the Councils want to build houses.
Over the coming years the Councils will whittle these sites down to those that they will include in the plan which will then mean that there is a presumption in favour of building on them.