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Green Party’s Alix Dearing launches General Election campaign

The Green Party are delighted to announce that Alix Dearing will stand as MP candidate for the Kenilworth & Southam constituency.  For the past year Cllr Alix Dearing has been Mayor of Kenilworth, with duties bringing her to communities across Warwickshire.

Speaking to supporters, Alix said, "We're ready to campaign. The Green Party offer affordable, common sense solutions to the major issues facing this country. No other party offers the hope and practical policies that the Green Party stand for."

"Warwickshire deserves a genuine representative of the community who actually lives here. Time and again the voices of local voters have been ignored when it comes to setting government policy. We've seen that Green Party MPs in parliaments have a hugely outsized sway on the direction of legislation and public debate, and, if elected, I will uphold that."

Alix Dearing_

Election Success in Warwickshire

The Green Party has achieved breakthrough success in Warwickshire in recent years, with broad recognition and winning more seats in local elections. Last year the Greens became the largest party at Warwick District Council, and currently share power with Labour. In Kenilworth, the Town Council is controlled by the Green Party, bringing energy, expertise and collaboration to the work of the council.

This reflects the national mood as well. In this year's local elections on the 2nd May 2024, the Green Party's percentage gain was more than any of the other main political parties. We believe our message strikes a chord with voters who are more than ready for change.

The Green Party of England and Wales will stand candidates in every constituency, in order to hold the next government to account, and to show other parties how to confront the multiple crises our country faces.

Thriving, Connected Communities

Campaigning across the Kenilworth & Southam consituency, Alix Dearing has heard at the doorstep the issues most acutely felt by voters. The cost-of-living crisis has been devastating to the personal finances of many, exacerbated by the neglect of public services, roads, the NHS and social care.

"Our communities have shown their resilience, through years of government-imposed austerity, the decline of high streets and environmental degradation. But, that is a testament to the resourcefulness and spirit of the wonderful people I've met. Business owners, community volunteers and local champions have been my inspiration," said Alix.

"I will put public wellbeing and the environment at the heart of my campaign. It's not a budget choice, because these are interconnected challenges, and they need interconnected solutions. You can't solve one without the other," she added.

"We deserve quality housing, in communities with thriving high streets, supported by well-planned active transport improvements. The government has failed to invest sufficiently, with its broken promises about levelling up."

"Similarly, we need to clean up our rivers and properly support farmers to boost biodiversity and protect nature, in the many ways I've seen starting to happen across Warwickshire." she added.

Supporting Alix's Campaign

Will you support Alix? The next six weeks are a momentous opportunity to shape the future of this constituency and the country.  The election date will be 4th July 2024, with postal votes returned before that.

The Green Party would love any support that you are able to provide, including reaching out to voters, putting up a poster in your window, financial contributions or simply wearing a rosette at a polling station.  You can:

  • Join Alix on a election action day, delivering leaflets or asking voters for their priorities and views on the election.
  • Donate to the campaign, which will be gratefully received. We're not in the pocket of big business donors, so our funds are genuinely from grass-roots supporters.
  • Put up a 'Vote Green' poster in your window, or a larger 'estate agent style' sign. This is especially welcome if your house is on a busy road!
  • Join the Green Party, and sign up for our local newsletter.
  • Volunteer for a Green candidate in another constituency, e.g. Hema YellaPragada in Warwick and Leamington, and Dr Ellie Chowns in North Herefordshire.
  • Wear a rosette. Voters love seeing Green Party supporters on election day. It reminds them of our hard work and presence in the community all year round. You can help Alix by standing at a polling station and simply saying 'hello' to the public. 💚

So, please email the campaign team today at:

