Halted the proposed ‘A46 Link Road’ dual carriageway that would have cut through Green belt between Coventry and Kenilworth
Secured £30k from developers for canal improvements in South Leamington
Fought off greedy developers who wanted to build student accommodation on employment land, cut down mature trees and include no affordable housing.
New pedestrian crossings installed in South Leamington near schools
Higher standards for new housing in Council planning and public health policies.
Led Kenilworth Town Council’s wayfinding and Tourism plans with local businesses.
Instigated, supported and helped secure funding for numerous community initiatives, including community gardening, during COVID, for youth organisations and Kenilworth repair café.
Transparency: Ensured Conservatives published use of Councillor allowance fund.
Ensured strong and practical climate and wildlife action plans were passed by the District Council rather than just vague words originally put forward.
Helping hundreds of people solve local issues from noisy neighbours to parking problems.
Successfully worked for higher standards in rented properties. Additional licensing finally arriving soon.
Prevented cuts to the domestic violence service at County Council and successfully fought for more funding for youth services.
Produced a comprehensive 3 pronged action plan to address drug related crime in Warwick District.