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Green Party Councillors at Warwickshire County Council ensured that transport projects overseen by the Council should prioritise active travel and then public transport before considering the motor vehicle.
Watch Leamington in the Green Party’s party political broadcast shown on BBC 1
The local Courier newspaper asked us why you should vote Green in local elections. This is what we said
There’s a few different parts of the jigsaw which together explain why we deliver leaflets regularly to you
Warwick District Green Party is keen to see strategies to rapidly reduce carbon emissions across Warwickshire, but the draft Warwickshire Sustainable Futures Strategy document, currently out for consultation is woefully inadequate.
There may be potential instances of electors not being able to vote because they do not comply with the new regulations.
District Councillors unanimously passed a motion declaring an Ecological Emergency and to develop a new Biodiversity Action Plan for Warwick District and surrounding areas.
Warwickshire’s Levelling-Up plan is condemned by Green councillors for failing to have any meaningful sustainability objectives.
Landowners and developers say where they would like to build houses
Councillor John Dearing says “The public is far more supportive of local climate actions than the media gives it credit for”
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