Will Roberts
District Councillor for Willes Leamington Spa
County Councillor for Willes Leamington
Will moved to Leamington in 2003 from Suffolk and has lived and worked in the area ever since.
Passionate about sustainability, social justice and human rights, Will has been a campaigner in these areas for well over a decade. Before getting into politics Will was chair of the Mid-Warwickshire Amnesty group as well as an Amnesty school speaker; he has also written and published a booklet on sustainability.
Why The Green Party?
“After attending a course on sustainability at Warwick University, a friend suggested getting involved in the Green Party. I hadn’t really thought about getting involved in politics, but I was becoming more and more frustrated by what was happening in society – including the lack of attention given to the climate emergency by the main political parties.
After reading the Green Party core values and philosophical basis I became increasingly interested as they synced with my personal views. Although, it wasn’t until attending one of the local Green Party monthly socials that I decided to become an active member. Locally I was really impressed by how they worked in the local community, especially listening to the concerns of local residents and acting upon them.
Seeing the difference one green councillor could make, it was an easy choice to stand in the 2015 local elections. Sadly, that time I lost by 35 votes, but not deterred I was happy to stand again in 2019 where I was elected to the District Council for Leamington Willes ward and in 2021 where I was elected to the County Council also for Leamington Willes.
The Green Party shows that there is a different way we can do politics. It’s not about putting party politics first, but about being fair, transparent, less adversarial and more collaborative. Something I’m proud to be part of and will continue to push for during my time as a Councillor”