David Armstrong

David Armstrong

Living in Kenilworth, I want it to be the best it can, with a strong community, great parks and all the necessary facilities. All of this requires well-managed, efficient support from our district council, which I don’t believe we currently have. I’m standing for election to make a change and focus on what should matter to our council – what’s best for our district.

I am a lecturer at Warwick University, with multiple years experience researching and teaching in the Physics Department. This gives me the skills needed to understand council data, projections and finances, and truly question the bad assumptions underpinning some council policy: for example, the population estimates underpinning all current housing planning, which are 5 years old and completely undermined by the latest census data, yet hugely impactful on our community. If elected, this would be my first time as a councillor, and I hope to bring those skills to the table and use them to help improve the council and our area.

My priorities are: 1) that any new developments are both truly needed and come with the right mix of housing sizes, enough infrastructure, and the highest standard of insulation and energy efficiency. 2) tackling the council’s £3.5M deficit left by the previous administration. 3) improving our green spaces, in size, biodiversity and accessibility.

Dave Armstrong

“I’m standing for election to make a change and focus on what should matter to our council – what’s best for our district”

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