Greens propose transport transformation at Warwickshire budget

The Green Party in Warwickshire pledged a transport transformation redirecting £87m over 5 years into safe and enjoyable walking, cycling and public transport as part of their budget proposals.

Green group leader Councillor Jonathan Chilvers said:

“The Conservatives at the County Council have not yet grasped the nettle of transforming our transport. We’ve seen welcome investment in cycling this year, but they are still persisting in a road programme running into the 100s of millions of pounds which will increase polluting journeys and dangerous air pollution.

Our proposals redirect £87 million over five years into safer and enjoyable walking, cycling and public transport journeys to work, school and leisure.”

The Green group also proposed quadrupling the investment in skills to £1 million per year.

Jonathan Chilvers said:

“Many young people struggle in the transition between school into work. Working with businesses, voluntary sector and youth services we would aim to provide mentoring and coaching to every young person who wanted it.”

Jonathan Chilvers, Green Party Councillor and keen cyclist Jonathan Chilvers, Green Party Councillor and keen cyclist

Summary of Green party proposals for Warwickshire County Council budget.

  1. Transport transformation. Redirect £87m over 5 years into safe and enjoyable walking, cycling, buses and trains
  2. Climate Change preparation: Invest £35m over 5 years to:
    • reduce CO2 and bills in the Council’s buildings including schools.
    • flood alleviation, slowing floodwaters upstream & drain clearance
    • trees and natural habitats – addressing the ecological crisis
  3. Supporting families with 0-3 year olds, e.g. children centres – £5m over 5 years
  4. Quadrupling money to £1 million per year for skills, mentoring and coaching for young people entering the job market working with businesses, voluntary sector and youth services.

Other areas of investment:

  • £500k over two years for reducing waste, working with district and borough Councils
  • In the region of £200k a year for increasing addictions prevent and treatment.

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