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Residents in Warwickshire to vote on council tax rise for climate change fund

Supporters outside the town hall at the start of the council meeting
Supporters outside the town hall at the start of the council meeting

The Green Party is part of a cross-party campaign in Warwick District aiming to make the council carbon-neutral by 2025 and the district carbon-neutral by 2030.

A referendum will be held on May 7th to decide whether the Council should increase council tax to fund the ‘Climate Action Now’ Programme tackling climate change.

The District Council needs to raise £3 million a year to fund the plan – which would mean raising council tax by the equivalent of £1 per week for a Band D household.

The CAN programme would see an improvement on the efficiency of the district’s homes, create a new sustainable transport policy to reduce congestion and air pollution and enhance the environment through tree planting schemes and improved flood defences.

Green Group leader Councillor Ian Davison said: “We face a Climate Emergency and we have to act. People tell me that they want their politicians to show leadership and work together on the big issues. I’m proud that we’re part of that happening in Warwick District. Residents have the opportunity to be the first in the country to take decisive action against climate change at a local level.”

The council voted unanimously on Wednesday 26th Feb 2020 to put the plan to a vote of Warwick District residents in a referendum on May 7th.

(Credit: This article is based on a report by