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Green Party policy is to develop active travel and support public transport as a healthier, cleaner and lower carbon solution to our future transport needs.
Voted unanimously Warwick District Council on Wednesday 24th February voted unanimously to call for a re-evaluation of the need for […]
Warwickshire County Council have today set their annual budget deciding where £469 million of tax payer’s money will be spent […]
Even after the COVID restrictions are lifted, Kenilworth residents still won’t be able to use the leisure centre at Abbey […]
Councillor Will Roberts has been supporting the local residents and campaigning against this planning application
Support in Park Hill for ‘20 is Plenty’ is widespread, focussed on particular roads especially those around schools.
Residents also want to make cycling safer, and they’re concerned about traffic, pollution and HS2
People care about the environment and want make Kenilworth a better place to live
Until February 13th, there is a public consultation about a new road. Local councils want a dual carriageway from the A46 at Stoneleigh to the heart of Warwick University campus and then extending across the countryside to Balsall Common.
Kenilworth Town Council has been awarded nearly £75,000 through the HS2 Business and Local Economy Fund to begin a project […]
More investment should be on the way for Warwickshire canal network following a County Council decision on Tuesday 13 October.
AC Lloyds have submitted a planning application for 200 new properties south of Asda and East of Whitnash. Read Cllr Will Robert’s full objection.
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